Sunday, June 7, 2009

Know your characters

Characters in the story –


Krishna – The Baap of politicians, a characters who goes to any extent to do what he thinks is right, He believes in the end justifies the means, on side of pandus, king of dwarka


Pandavas – Son of king pandu who was the king of hastinapur

Yudhisthir – The eldest of five, Known for always telling truth and idiot of the lot, can you believe it he was given a chance to get back his kingdom after losing himself , his brothers and his wife drapaudi to dhuryodhan but that moron again played the last game ( on provocation of sakuni) but common everyone knows if its not your day then don’t play dude.

Bheem- Brother of lord hanuman( A quiz question for Quizzing freaks as he was son of vayu, how will be discussed latter)

Arjun – Son of lord indra and a stud archer, he was the best student of drona.

Nakul and Sahedev – Son of madri ( second wife of pandu ) if I consider mahabharata as Bollywood movie then they were the extras in these movie.

Drapaudi – Heroiene of the movie, who so ever you consider a hero apart from bhisma she will play the role, daughter of Draupad and cause of great war, as some one has said correctly all the wars have happened because of women and land.

Dhuryodhan – The Villan of this movie, son of dhritarashtra and gandhari ( princess of afganisthan (Kandhar)), a very good figher in mace.

Dhushasana – Samba of the movie, well he got to do all the interesting things in maharbharta , he got to strip (oops Family audience please keeps your kids away from the blog ) drapaudi , the wife of the pandavas

Dhritarashtra – Blind King of hastinapur, father of duryodhan and other 100 brothers and 1 daughter from gandhari, and 1 son from maid servant ( need more citation for this) and yes tharki hence proved.

Gandari – wife of dhristarashra , princess of gandhar (kandar) in afganistan.

Kunti  - Mother of pandavas (yuvi,arjun and bheem)

Bheem  The dada muni of Mahabharata , son of ganga and the greatest warrior of his time.

Drona  - Teacher of pandavas and kaurvas and a straunch emeny of draupad.


These are the main charaters rest shall be added as and when required.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mahabharata – A great epic

In the last few days I got a chance to read a very good book “Palace of illusions” describing the Mahabharata from drapaudi’s point of view, well  I am not writing this blog to praise the book or to criticize the view point of the writer, well mahabharatha the longest epic written in Sanskrit by Vedavyassa ( or to precise dictated by him and written by Lord Ganesha) is indeed one of a masterpiece of all time as it has everything that even the best bollywood movie cannot have in its script ( Power, politics, romance, sex, action, drama , emotions) , you name it and it is there,  one of the true masterpiece , A lot of have been written about Krishna, Arjun, and other pandavas over the centuries, but there have been some unsung heroes, I was just thinking how interesting it would to know the story from the point of view of Karna ( Probably the greatest warrior at that time !! woh woh hold on ! you would say arjun was the greatest one but as per my limited knowledge during that time Arjun, eklayva and karna were the among the best , now why karna?? though arjun was able to kill karna but then karna’s chariot was stuck, and he was trying to take it out, so was it fair ?? also Krishna (the greatest  politician ever) send Lord Indra (father of arjun ) to ask for karna’s “kavach” (armour) and kundal “ earrings”  with which it would have  been impossible to kill him. Looking at karna’s life he was probably the most unfortunate character in the Mahabharata , through out his life time despite being a prince he was always castigated and  never received love and respect that he deserved.

            Another character whose point of view would be interesting is the bhisma, Bhisma the greatest warrior on the earth, son of ganga, who relinquished throne of  hastinapur because of his promise given to his father Shantanu ( Again here come the angle of  lust or love, santanu wanted to marry satyavati, but she asked for a promise that her sons would inherit throne ), bhisma was the most accomplished warrior of his time ( According to Data (can’t help I am in analytics) Bhishma fought with parsuram ( who was his teacher and also karna’s teacher) after he abducted ambika, who was cause of his death (Shikandi in next birth – see I told you the best bollywood movie will also not have this, and won refer wikipedia for more), well coming back to the point so he being the eldest in the clan, who was impartial to both ( why he fought for kaurvas is also a story in itself) what was he felling when this sons were killing each other, when his daughter in law  was embarrassed in front of all the courtesans in hastinapur. On his death bed what was his felling about the whole incident. Will be very  interesting indeed.

           Last but not least I m personally more interested in finding /interpreting Mahabharata from duryodhan’s point of view, well history is very dubious in  nature as it is written by the winner who always change course as suitable to him, if Hitler would have won then would history be written differently, similarly in Britain do they praise our revolutionary (for ex bhagat singh, chandrashekar azad) as we do,well thanks to congress government these great people did not get the respect they deserved even in their own country , well without digressing from the topic , coming back to duryodhan who was the most accomplished warrior in gadaa  (Mace) as per balram ( brother of Krishna) and a great warrior himself, also if u see he was living peacefully (My interpretation) with his  pandav brother before he came to indrapuri ( the capital of pandavas when they were doing “bharat aygya”  and was called as blind when out of curiosity he was roaming around in his brothers palace and fell in the pond, and thus he and his father was insulted by draupadi and her aides, Regardin gambling and vanvas also a point can be given that he was just encouraging pandavas to play gambling, it was stupid on yudhisthir’s part to gamble everyone, can’t blame duryodhan totally , also one incident where on the 18th  day of war (the final one)  duryodhan was hiding in a pond, yudhisthir gave him an option of fighting any on the five pandav’s with any of his favourite weapons, with the winner takes all, At this point  duryodhan chose to fight with bheem stating that he is the only worthy apponent , think about what would have happened if he would have fought with nakul or sahedev, he would have screwed their happiness and would have been victorious, now  some people can call his arrogance which I m not debating right now, it would be interesting to think from his point of view. So all my friends I here by seek your support in helping me out, please let me know which out of three is more interesting for you, and on which you would like to contribute , or rest keep logging and would be happy to see you disagreeing with me and the my friends.